
Steampunk Digital won the “Engineer Friendly City Fukuoka AWARD 2022” in the company category!

Steampunk Digital won the “Engineer Friendly City Fukuoka AWARD 2022” in the company category!
Thank you for your vote!

What is the Engineer Friendly City Fukuoka (EFC) Award?

“The aim of this award is to promote Fukuoka as a city where engineers gather, work and grow. To encourage the activities of engineers in Fukuoka, who work daily to acquire knowledge and skills. And to improve their skills to contribute to companies and society, and to improve the environment surrounding these activities. The awards are presented to engineering communities that contribute to the development of an engineering community culture in Fukuoka, and to companies that work to improve the environment surrounding engineers by creating a comfortable working environment for engineers and taking initiatives that lead to their growth.”

ー by Fukuoka City, EFC Award Committee

EFC AWARD 2022 awards ceremony

We received a certificate at the EFC AWARD 2022 Ceremony & Conference!

Find out what the future holds for our CEO, who spoke at the awards event.


DIgital Dojo

The Digital Dojo, which has been held irregularly, will resume next year.

Digital Dojo wants to be a place where everyone, from children to adults, regardless of background or skill level, can let their imagination soar in the world of 3D.

We invite you to become a member of the community and join the Digital Dojo!